
  1. I can't connect to the platform

Make sure you choose the correct BNB Smart Chain Mainnet (BEP 20)

In the interface of Metamask:

  • Make sure to unlock and select the Ethereum network

  • Make sure contract data is allowed on Ethereum app settings.

  1. I can't buy an insurance contract

  • Users need to make sure they have enough BNB in their account to use as fees

  • The minimum of $1.50 in the wallet is required to open a contract

  • Adjust P-Claim not to exceed the recommended level

  • Adjust Q-Cover does not exceed the recommended level

  • Adjustment of the period does not exceed the proposed level

  1. Not receiving payment when the contract reaches P-Claim or stops before the period

Case 1: Failure to activate the notification of eligibility for insurance payments. (P-Market price touches P-Claim)

Case 2: After activating the insurance payout, the status has changed from Waiting to pay to Paid but not receiving money.

Case 3: Stopping the contract early but not receiving the margin refund

When encountering the above cases, users can take the following steps to be resolved

Step 1: Users directly message the online support

Step 2: State the problem you encounter for assistance to solve

Step 3: After being resolved, users can check at https://bscscan.com/

  1. Website not loading

Try switching to another browser to see if the problem is coming from your current browser

  • Clear cache and cookie data for the site

  • Refresh the web page by pressing F5 (or cmd(ctrl) + R)

  • Uninstall and reinstall the browser

  • Check the network connected to the access device

  • If the website still doesn't load after performing the above steps, you should change your browser or another device to access it

  1. I need online support

  • In the lower right corner there will be an online support icon

  • You can exchange directly without connecting your Wallet

  • Supporting languages will include Vietnamese and English

Last updated